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Image by Catherine Avak

Data and ML solutions

In a nushell

We work with state-of-the-art data technologies and apply current ML research to help you derive meaningful insights from your data.

We treat data as an asset from which you can derive business value, not as a 21st century trend.

We couple the business understanding of data with a deep understanding of ML algorithms and statistical undestanding to extract the meaningful information.

We develop user friendly interfaces to help you interact with the results of the analyses.

Why make use of your data?


  • you will squeeze as much value as possible from your business.

  • you will improve your understanding of where your revenue comes from.

  • you want to know your customers better.

  • you free time by automating as many tasks as possible.

  • your business already generates a lot of it and so it is a cheap resource.

  • a one time project can bring value for years to come through automated workflows.

  • you would like to test if your ideas will work before actually going forward with them.

  • you can make the future more predictable.

How would our collaboration look like?


We start by understanding the data you have or you plan to have and how it can help you address business needs.

We offer our advice regarding what are possible metrics we can try to improve to reach our goals.

We estimate the needed resources to make it all hapen.



We create and test toy models in order to validate our ideas.

We test all the plausible hypotheses before moving on to the implementation.

We consult with you to make sure we are going in the right direction.



We start writing transparent ML pipelines to accomplish the data mining, model training, and forecast generation.

We integrate them into web platforms for easy user accesibility.

We deploy the end digital product in scalable environments that can integrate with your existing software.



We carry in depth testing before we deliver the end product to you.

We help you through the implementation and we transparently explain all the inner workings of the models.

We support you through all the new directions your project might take.

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