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Image by Hello I'm Nik

Customised software

In a nushell

We work with modern web technologies to address your digital needs.

We develop products from scratch.

We create MVPs to quickly validate ideas.

We work on mature scalable solutions with the long term in mind.

Why choose personalised software?


  • with off-the-shelf software you pay for irrelevant features while ignoring your actual business needs.

  • you are already using software solutions that need to be integrated into your workflows in order to streamline your work.

  • bugs get fixed quickly just for you.

  • you want to deploy it in different ways.

  • you can modify it as you want while it's being created or afterwards when new ideas pop up.

  • it can be constructed with the future in mind preparing for when your company scales up.

  • it makes security breaches very difficult.

  • we are always one phone call away from supporting and consulting.

How would our collaboration look like?


We do ample planning together with you so we make sure the final solution meets the wishes of the stakeholders.

We help you decipher the user stories, the product use cases, all the actors involved and the expectations of speed and efficiency.

We don't move forward until we make sure we understand your business.



We do what we are best at and we design the architecture of the new system.

We write and rewrite code.

We work in small increments so we reach the MVP quickly so that stakeholders can share feedback to make sure we are on the right track from all points of view.



We cover all our code with in depth testing and QA.

We do this in parallel to the creation process to make sure all intermediate stages are functional.

We make sure things work smoothly when you first touch the final product.



We carry an in depth handover back to you.

We make sure the implementation plan is not overwhelming and the training gets carried in stages.

We support you through all the new directions your project might take.

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